Family Gathering

Today we visited a crisis respite center. It opend after hurrican Sandy. They have beds for people in mental crises and offer counseling and peer support. It is important to them, that people keep there autonomy, they can come and go as they want, take medication or not, participate in groups as they want.


After that we moved again. This time into a collective of ten people living together in a house. My humin says, it reminds it of the house she lived in in Vienna – only that the people here are friendly and welcoming. Me made a lot of friends within the first day.

In the evening I had a family gathering to see, what the Kraxis in New York are up to.

After that we visited the One World Trade Center to see the Freedome Tower, an 104-story-tall skyscraper built after the Twin Towers were distroyed in the 9/11-attack.


Where the Twin Towers stood is now a big memorial ith a lot of water. I don‘t like water, but it was really impressive!


Another long day, that we ended with coming back home and spending time with our temporary roomies.